Implant Custom Abutments


Through the utilization of ATLANTIS patient-specific abutments, Colonial Dental Laboratory is here to help simplify your implant restoration process. Don’t bother with parts and pieces – just take an implant-level impression and send it to us and we’ll take care of the rest. In return you will receive an abutment that is uniquely designed from the final tooth shape for optimal function and esthetics. ATLANTIS abutments are available for all major implant systems in the materials you want and in cement-retained options. It is also available in a single-tooth, Zirconia screw-retained restoration.

So, when you are looking for implant restorations of the highest precision and quality available, trust us to provide you and your patients the best result possible.

Colonial offers patient-specific abutments:

  1. Atlantis Abutment, titanium for PFM, e-max, zirconia or Captek crown.
  2. Atlantis Abutment, Goldhue for PFM, e-max, zirconia or Captek crown.
  3. Atlantis Abutment, zirconia for e-max or zirconia crown.

Call us today at 800-822-0477 to take advantage of our special offers!


  • Patient-specific CAD/CAM abutments designed from the final tooth shape, using CAD/CAM software
  • High precision and quality every time
  • Available for all major implant systems
  • Provide optimal support and retention of the final restoration
  • Promote soft-tissue management
  • Because ATLANTIS™ abutments are individually designed, costs for precious metals, such as gold alloy, can be reduced


Encode Impression System

Colonial Dental Lab offers the Biomet3i BellaTek Encode Impression System.  The Encode system can be used to design and mill an abutment at Biomet3i or can be used to provide the necessary design data to our lab for the abutment design and subsequent delivery to Biomet3i for abutment milling.  In all cases the abutment(s) is returned to our lab for finishing. Our staff provides the expertise and experience and works closely with the doctor to insure an accurate abutment design and quality restoration.


  • The BellaTek® Encode® Impression System provides optimized solutions to clinicians by eliminating the need for implant level impressions, which streamlines the treatment process for the surgeon, restorative clinician and laboratory. In addition, patients have a better experience and a beautiful aesthetic outcome
  • No need to remove the healing abutment, preserving tissue and resulting in aesthetic outcomes
  • High level of accuracy resulting in high quality abutments

Cast Abutments

The UCLA abutment was designed to fix implant angulation problems and in some cases depth problems (too much or too little). Since it is fully castable you can request a single piece screw retained crown or a personalized abutment for a cemented crown or bridge. Because it is cast in precious metal, the complete cost of the restoration is generally higher than a titanium or a prepable abutment.


  • Precision machined.
  • 1 mm margin height.
  • Titanium Prosthetic Screw included with all abutments.
  • Optional Gold Prosthetic Screw.
  • Narrow chimney.
  • Micro – grooved finish for better wax retention, except waxing sleeve which is smooth.
  • Waxing Screw included with gold abutments.

Procera Abutments

We provide NobelProcera solutions for individualized CAD/CAM abutments for maximum esthetics. NobelProcera delivers a full range of precision-milled and cost-effective abutment solutions. NobelProcera custom abutments provide excellent esthetics and soft tissue health using individually designed abutments for major implant systems.


Compatible with Nobel Biocare and other major implant systems:

  • All Nobel Biocare interfaces
  • Straumann® Bone Level NC, RC
  • Straumann® Standard/Standard Plus 3.5, 4.8, 6.5
  • Astra Tech® OsseoSpeed™ Yellow, Lilac, Aqua
  • Astra Tech® ST 3.5, 4.0 and 4.5/5.0
  • Thommen® Medical

Comprehensive abutment solutions:

  • Ideal soft tissue support with individual emergence profiles
  • Optimal esthetics with shaded zirconia
  • Versatile design options for cement-retained crowns and bridges on abutments
  • Time and cost efficient screw-retained crowns for direct veneering

Peace of mind:

  • Excellent clinical stability with biocompatible and homogenous materials
  • Certified materials and medical device standards for all CAD/CAM abutments including five year warranty
  • Warranty extends to non-Nobel Biocare implant systems