John received his certificate in Dental Technology from Mastbaum Area Vocational School in 1974. In 1978, John earned his CDT in crown and bridge from the National Board for Certification, and received his CDT in Fixed Prosthodontic Ceramics in 1996. John and his partner, John Porter, founded Colonial Dental Lab in Blackwood, New Jersey in 1976. 2008 marked the thirtieth anniversary of John becoming a Certified Dental Technician. John has studied with some of the premiere technicians in the world, including Willi Geller, Claude Sieber, Ernest Hegenbarth, Dr. Ed McLaren, Axel Seeger, and Dr. Bob Winters. In September of 2001, John traveled to Bad Sackingen Germany, to take an advanced ceramic course at Vita’s Training Center. In 2002, John was accepted for membership in the American College of Oral Implantology. In July 2006, John took the Continuum Level One at the Pankey Institure for Advanced Dental Education. John has lectured before several dental study groups and organizations including the Northeast Implant Study Club, the Atlantic/Cape May Dental Society, and to residents and staff at Virtua Hospitals both in Voorhees and Camden. In April of 1999, Colonial open their 12,000 square foot state of the art facility in West Berlin, New Jersey.