Procera Zirconia

Procera Zirconia

NobelProcera Zirconia is the ceramic material of choice for strong and highly esthetic restorations. Frameworks in Zirconia are available for cement- and screw-retained solutions on teeth and implants from single-unit to multi-unit restorations. Zirconia displays excellent biocompatibility with significant reduction of plaque and bacterial adhesion on surfaces.

Industrial material shading (available in four shades: white, light, medium, intense) guarantees consistent color and strength values of the material.


  • Exceptional strength (1200MPa) and excellent esthetic qualities
  • Better esthetics in the anterior region
  • Exceptional marginal fit
  • 0.4mm thick coping allows for greater porcelain buildup
  • Shaded bases increases shading efficiency resulting in less production time